Alternatives Database
Muscled Hand
Producer: SynDaver™LabsSynAtomy™ muscular hand model includes all of the major skeletal, muscular, and cartilaginous structures of the hand.
SynAtomy™ anatomical models are manufactured from simplified versions of the synthetic human skeletal muscle, tendon, ligament, and fascias developed by SynDaver™ Labs for medical device development testing. These education-grade models include bones, joints, muscles, and tendons, and all joints are fully articulating. No organs, vasculature, nervous system components, or skin is included.
Structural Features: Skeletal, muscular, fascial, and cartilaginous structures of the hand.
Articulating Joints: Palm, thumb, and four fingers.
Construction Materials: Thermoplastic bones with integral fascia sheath. Muscular tissues are either organosilicate composite or simplified versions of our SynTissue™ brand synthetic human skeletal muscle, tendon, ligament, fibrous fascia, and bone.
Included Services: One full year of upgrades to the skeletal system, muscular system, and joints.
Age / Sex: Adult female.
Length / Mass: 15cm x 2kg.
Docs: Care and Usage
Competitive Products: 3B Scientific's Deluxe Hand and Wrist.
Options: One can select soft tissue (either silicone rubber composite or SynTissue™ skeletal muscle) construction type and storage case option below. This model may also be customized with pathologies, nerves and vessels, and custom colors. For details please call and ask for technical sales.
Price: $250 (cat № M-HAN-F-0005).